Thursday 29 April 2010

Recycle Your CDs

We love finding ways to reuse and recycle things especially in creating fun projects! It was such a wonderful way to recycle the unwanted CDs into beautiful crafts...

Monday 26 April 2010

Going Green Fundraiser

Today was not a regular school day, but rather a green school day with the final event of The Green School Project was taking place. The garage and bake sale titled " Go Green Fundraiser" started at ten with a presentation about The Environmental Awareness Week activities and a short power point presentation summarizing all activities with pictures. We were very happy to see many guests sharing in our event. We had visitors from other Makassed schools like: Omar Bin Al Khattab, Ali Bin Abi Taleb, Abi Baker Al Sadeeq, Makassed College for Girls, and Khadija Al Kobra. Students enthusiastically rushed to have a look at the items being sold to choose from them and encircled the cotton candy and pop corn machines, while other waited for their turn to get a beautiful face painting.

KSPS students demonstrated very good communication skills as they were the ones responsible for selling items and food and collecting money. They also were present at the different bulletin boards on which most of the projects were displayed to explain to the visitors more about every project.

Because success is measured by the outcome, then we are elated to announce that the event was a most successful one. Our aim was achieved and it is not too late before you notice the direct change. The school will have a new look as the pots of flowers and plants will cover our window sills and turn our school to a true green school.

Special thanks go to the Makassed community for their sharing and contribution and continuous support and motivation. We would like to that all the schools that came and took part in our event. A sincere thank you to Bank Med is pioneer in adopting a project that encourages schools to take green steps.

We are grateful to each and every person belonging to KSPS family; to the parents' committee for being there and lending a big hand. Together we were and will always able to achieve success and always strive for excellence.


ضمن الّنشاطات الهادفة للمحافظة على البيئة، كانت لنا جلسة مع تلامذة الّصّف الثّاني الأساسي وذويهم. حيث قمنا بمشروع اعادة التّدوير لأشياء تمّ استخدامها سابقا كزجاجة الماء البلاستيكّية ،وأعواد المشاوي أو الماصّات بالاضافة الى أوراق ملوّنة.ومنها صنعنا زهريات حوت وردات تطاولات أعناقها وتفتحت عن بتلات ملوّنة بألوان الرّبيع . زيّن بها التّلاميذ شرفات المدرسة والصّفوف . آملين أن نكون قد زرعنا في نفوس أولادنا وذويهم محبّة البيئة واستغلال ما نستعمله مرّة لعدّة مرّات فأهلا بشباب ناشط داعم للبيئة بجميع مجالاته

Environmental Awareness Week

It was a successful 'Environmental Awareness Week'!

During this event, we've been doing our bit to go green at home and at school to help take care of our environment and to appreciate the beauty of our Earth. We took part in a range of activities and learned how to become more responsible in looking after our environment. These activities have really made us think about new ways to help save our Earth.
Let's take care of our Earth and go green!

Sunday 25 April 2010

Taking Small Steps; Making a Huge Difference

Most of us are not paying attention and growing habits that are affecting the environment in a negative ways. It is time to stop. We can't stand silent. We know that we should start somewhere and that we are part of the solution not the problem.
For that reason, change will start with the young. Do you think that children can’t make a difference? Not so. Children are aware of serious environmental problems around them. They decided to change these bad habits into more environment friendly ones. They promised to share it not only with friends at school, but also with their families and friends outside school.
There are dozens of small things you and your children can do every day to save energy and keep the world cleaner and greener. At school, students learned that they can do little things, like:
- Turning off the lights and switching off the fan before leaving the classroom so as not to waste energy
- Closing the water when brushing your teeth so as not to keep water running
- Throwing the trash in the wastebasket so as not to litter the ground
- Being aware of the importance of recycling and throwing objects that will be recycled in the waste basket or boxes that are particular for each item
Keep in mind that if your child develops good habits now, he/she will keep as he/she grows.

Going Green by all Means

It is important to reduce the use of papers and cardboards, so in the computer period, students of grades five and six preferred to use their computer skills in order to create drawings about the theme of the environment. Their drawings dealt with pollution and its different types. More drawings showed their own perspective of a healthy environment in which green is the dominant color. They also wrote a caption for each drawing. Their drawings reflected their deep understanding of the serious environmental problems that are affecting Earth and their lives and demonstrated also their computer skills. Their work was indeed very interesting as students were enthusiastic to complete it.

Friday 23 April 2010

For The Love Of Our Earth

Our Earth Day Activities

'Taking Care of the Earth' poem

'If you love our world' by first graders

Earth Day reminds us that we all share the same planet. We believe that this day should be every day! For the love of our Mother Earth, we've celebrated this special day in our special way!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Little Efforts,Big Difference

Raising students' awareness was the main objective for doing the different science projects for grades four,five,and six.The project consisted of three power point presentations dealing with different environmental issues.The first power point gave students an apt idea about kinds of pollution and their causes.Students discussed and shared their knowledge about the subjects with observations and examples of bad habits that people are following.The second power point introduced tips for saving and preserving water.Each student has something to say.It was a fruitful discussion.The final presentation dealt with 3Rs:Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle and their importance to preserve.The aim of the whole projects was to change the students' attitudes and habits making them aware that with little effort,lots of environmental problems can be tackled.

كي يبقى لبنان أخضر

انطلاقاً من هذا العنوان وتنفيذاً لتقنية الملصق الإعلاني، صمم تلامذة الصف الخامس الأساسي في إبتدائية خليل شهاب ملصقاً بيئياً يعالج مشاكل التلوث مرفقاً بتعليقات تدعو للحفاظ على البيئة
ولأن الشجرة الخضراء ترمز إلى جمال لبنان، فقد قام التلاميذة بزراعة بذور الصنوبر والحبق، واعتنوا بها لتخرج من الظلمة إلى النور، وتُزيّن نافذة صفهم آملين أن ترافقهم لإكمال عاملهم الدراسيّ

من أجل مئة بسمة

مدرستنا هي إحدى المدارس المشاركة في مشروع" مئة كرسي،مئة بسمة" الذي يهدف إلى جمع مئة طن من البلاستيك المكرر توفر مئة كرسي مدولب.في هذا الإطار يقوم تلامة الصفين الخامس و السادس بجمع الأغطية البلاستيكي
و الهدف الأساسي من ها المشروع هو العمل على أكثر من اتجاه لتحقيق نوع من التنمية المستدامة.فالأغطية ليست سهلة التوضيب و الجمع بل هي ملوثة للبيئة، و بالتالي نريح البيئة مما تنتجه من تلوث من جهة، و نستفيد منها اقتصادياً من جهة أخرى، و ثالثاً نستطيع بموجب بيعها تحسين حياة عدد من الناس أي فوائد اجتماعية،انسانية،اقتصادية و بيئية

Tuesday 20 April 2010

"الإسلام دين النظافة"
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:" حسنوا ثيابكم ورحالكم حتى تكونوا شامة بين الناس".
إنطلاقاً مما حدثنا به النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وحفاظاً على البيئة، قام تلامذة الصف الثالث بالتعبير عن فهمهم لهذا المبدأ بجمع نفايات الملعب وتحويلها الى لوحة حائط ليبينوا من خلالها أهمية النظافة في حياة الفرد والمجتمع، وذلك بعد حضورهم لعرض بوربوينت يبين العوامل التي تؤثر في تلوث البيئة وكيفية الحفاظ على بيئة سليمة.

"Where Could The Environment Be?" E- BOOK

Farah and Ahmad

Myebook - Where Could The Environment Be? - click here to open my ebook

Each year on April 22nd, a very important day is celebrated all over the world. It's EARTH DAY ! It's a special day to remind us that our Earth is so precious! We have learned about how to take care of the environment and watched a power point presentation about a little girl who wanted to find the environment because her teacher had told her that people need to keep the environment clean. But to keep it clean, she had to find it first. Did she find it? And was she able to save it? To find out, read our E- BOOK and enjoy!

Saturday 17 April 2010



Dear friend of Makassed KSPS,

You probably have noticed that green is everywhere these days, news, politics, schools, technology, switching to organic food, recycling etc… Because we cannot stand silent and do nothing as we see mother earth suffering. Because we feel that we have to take active steps and do our part in saving the environment. Because we aim at raising environmentalists not only aware of the serious natural problems that might threaten their lives and future, but also help them believe and realize that they are part of the solution rather than the problem, proving that kids can make a difference, we have developed a "Green School Project" and participated in " The Green School Award Competition" organized by Bank Med.

How did we go green at Makassed KSPS? We used simple strategies to integrate environmental education into all classrooms from Nursery to Grade 6. Students have participated in a myriad of activities that increased both their awareness of environmental issues and their capacity to act affirmatively on such issue. Our students recycled paper, monitored use of energy, cleaned beaches, planted trees, guided their families, etc… We also adopted an earth friendly theme for the artwork that adorns our bulletin board in the building, halls, playground, and classrooms. By going green we did not have to add any layer of the curriculum or compromise any existing program. We just added a greater dimension and scope to our existing curriculum.

"Go Green Fundraiser" is one of the important event in this regard. We want to reach out for the community, showing them what we did and hoping they get enthusiastic and join us in our green cause. After a short presentation on Monday, April 26, at 10:00 am, we are having a bake sale and a garage sale at Gezairi Building, Hamra. Students are going to sell different used items. The money raised will help us carry on with our project and fulfill our goal. For instance, we will use the money raised, among other things, to buy pots with various plants and flowers and place them on the window sills all around school, and we will put signs everywhere at school about saving water and energy and protecting the environment.

In order to ensure the success of our mission and reach the objective that we have put, your sharing and support in this event is much appreciated. This is a call for help. We are the first lines of defense in the environmental movement and together we will make a difference. We hope to reshape children views and habits which then transcends from school, to home, and beyond we hope this awareness transfers to their lives outside school. We really hope you join us at our event. We are looking forward to see you on Monday and in green!

Be With Us the Change You Wish to See in the World!

Ghina Albadawi Hafez