Wednesday, 17 March 2010

الحديقة متعة وجمال

الحديقة ....عندما تسمع إسم حديقة يخطر ببالك اللعب ، الترفيه ،المتعة والطبيعة الخلابةوالحديقة تعني الصّغير كما الكبير
التّلوث البيئي خطر يهدد خياتنا اليومية سواء كان التّلوّث هوائياًأو مائياً أو تلوّث للتربة
لذا كان خوف أطفال روضة عثمان ذي النّورين على تربة حديقة الصّنائع خوفاً كبيراً فعزموا على تنظيفها وتنقيبها فجمعوا الأوساخ ووضعوها داخل سلل مزيّنة بالورود كانوا قد صنعوها بأنفسهم وتركوها كهدية للحديقة للمساعدة على التّخفيف من حدة التّلوث البيئي
فليكن هوءلاء الأطفال قدوة لنا

Thanks to Mrs Sawsan Habboushi

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Epals Certificate To Our Gifted Student

Special THANK YOU to Ms. Elizabeth Fish, Director ePals Global Community


Being chosen to receive this certificate is quite an honor!
Many thanks to "ePaLs", a website devoted to connect classrooms around the world...

The March Of The Frogs

Kindergarten and grade one students have joined the ENO Climate Change Campaign this year and it was so interesting and successful.
We marched down the street with "Frank the Frog" who was hungry for pledges. We met a lot of people who were so kind to feed "Frank" with pledges of how to save the environment. "Frank", for sure, enjoyed his healthy breakfast and thanked every and each one for being so helpful.

ENO Climate Change Campaign 2010

with President Amine Daouk

at Beirut Municipality

with the mayor Mr. El- Ariss and Dr. El- Alayli

with Miss Adla Shatila and Dr. Kamel Dallal

We were looking forward for this year's ENO Climate Change Campaign project. The campaign started with a visit to President Amine Daouk, Miss Adla Shatila, and Dr. Kamel Dallal. They previewed our special ENO picture album, signed our pledge and fed "Frank The Frog" with their own pledges.
Our next stop was Beirut Municipality. We handed a letter to the mayor Mr. El Ariss with a plea for some changes we would like to see in our city, Beirut. The mayor promised us that our requests will be considered.
Dr. El Alayli, the head of the environment committee in the municipality also met us. We were overwhelmed by his warm welcome and generous hospitality.
Special thanks goes to Mr. Amine Daouk, Miss Adla Shatila, and Dr. Kamel Dallal for always showing enthusiasm to share in our various projects. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
Gratitude also goes to Mrs. Rola Ajouz for giving us the opportunity to visit the municipality and meet municipality members. A big thank you to the mayor and to Dr. El Alayli.

We would also like to thank Mr. Mika Vanhanen, ENO Director, for your dedication and hard work! You all contributed in making this activity a very successful one!

Here is the link to our video on the ENO website.

ENO Climate Change Campaign At Beirut Municipality

We'd like to thank Dr. Riyad El Alayli, the head of the environment committee in the municipality for his time to meet with us. The discussion was very fruitful and we were very eager to share our ideas and opinions about climate change and what we are doing to help in stopping it.

National Tree Day In Bekaa

Special thank you to Sheikh Khalil El-Mayss, Mufti El- Bekaa, for your gracious hospitality. If those trees could talk, we are sure they would tell you how proud they are to be planted in your yard!

We have received 50 olive trees from the Armed Forces Command. We highly respect and appreciate the sacred gifts. Thank you

Big thank you to Mr Adel Bahlawan, Mr. Jamal Farhat, and to the wonderful school team of Al- Marj School for the warm welcome and hospitality.
We very much enjoyed our planting day with you!

with our new friends at Al- Marj School

On National Tree Day, we visited Azhar El- Bekaa and Makassed Al- Marj School and planted the baby olive trees along with our new friends. They all promised us to take care of the trees...and with sunshine and good soil our trees will grow with us and will always tie us back to this beautiful land.

A Letter From Mohammad To Mrs. Rawya

A simple Thank You is not enough.You are such an inspiration to us all. Some times words fail to describe your dedication, enthusiasm,and hard work.I believe that now is the best time to say, "Look at what teachers can make."
Miss Rana Lawand

Miss Rana, thank you for posting this on the school blog..."Look at what teachers can make."...they can make the best school team by improving work climate and increasing higher level of students' achievement...I appreciate that Miss Rana!

A Letter To My Star Student, Mohammad

Mohammad, you have made every single Lebanese proud!

"Thingstalk" Project

نود مشاركتكم بما كتبته جريدة الأخبار عن مشروع شاركنا فيه بعنوان أشياء تتكلم

هذا ما كتبته جريدة الأخبار

لقراءة الموضوع بأكمله زيارة الرابط التالي

A Thank You Letter From Mohammad To Micheline

A Letter To Mohammad From Our Friend Micheline

From: Micheline-Albert Tawil Tramp


To : Mohammad Darwiche

Makassed Khalil Shehab School

C/O: Mrs. Rawya Shatila

Very Dear Mohammad,

I am writing you the present letter with great enthusiasm, in order to congratulate you, You that made the name of Our Dear Country Lebanon shine up in the world!

The largest fair-and-conference center in Copenhagen is the Bella Center just outside of Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009 will display the video of a great dignity, Mohammad Darwiche: The Gallant Pageant of Lebanon!

This Is A Reason For Pride

I wish to thank you, your parents and especially your Great Teacher, Mrs. Rawya Shatila, for the tremendous and notable achievement.

Will you, Mohammad, be one day the one to contribute to the climate change?

Bless you Son!

Warmest regards,

Micheline-Albert Tawil Tramp


CONGRATULATION: Copenhagen Students Speak Contest


Mohammad, you did it!
I was always sure you would!!!

We are so proud to announce that our student, Mohammad Darwiche, was on the Top Fifteen winners of the Copenhagen Students Speak Contest. The Top Entries will be compiled onto a DVD to be presented to world leaders at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, December 7-18, 2009.

We'd like to share our success with you...Please follow the links:

Mohammad's Speech

Our Artwork On "Thingstalk" Website

"A selection of the children’s waste sculptures will be presented to the participants of COP15 as a part of the planned "Children’s Creative ClimateCamp" which will take place in Ballerup and Rødovre from 2-6 December 2009. The children’s waste sculptures and their short climate statements will be regarded as the voices of the children."
We have invented artwork out of waste and unused materials and shared our recycling projects on thingtalk website. We very much hope that our voices will be heard around the world.
Special thanks to Miss Hoda Shaaban for her kind assistance.

Our Photo On The ENO Website

the album cover

Special "THANK YOU" to
Mika Vanhanen, coordinator
ENO-Environment Online

UN Climate Change Conference

Our School has participated in the introductory seminar of "Things Talk", an international climate and waste art project for children conducted by Cross Cultures Project Association (CCPA).
The education project, Things Talk - Children, Climate Change, and Waste Art, aims to provide the children of the world with an opportunity to be heard in the global debate on climate change. Things Talk creates a global platform, where children can get a chance to speak about their ideas, concerns and future dreams in relation to how climate changes will affect the world they live in both locally and globally. The project is also about experiencing and sharing one's experiences, dreams and thoughts with others. It is therefore possible for all classes that complete the project, to share photos and thoughts with children in other parts of the country and the world.
Special thanks to the UN for giving us the opportunity to be part of this program.
For more information, visit: Things Talk

ENO Tree Planting Day: September 2009

Our school year has started in a very special way. We have participated in the ENO Tree Planting day and joined more than 2500 schools in 122 countries. This event is a practical way of enhancing environmental and global education. It connects children
all over the world to focus on environmental issues. What is more, the event fosters peace
education and increases the awareness of school children of the importance of forests on a global scale. The planting of trees took place everywhere at noon local time. The first to start was Tonga in Oceania and as the Sun and Earth continued to turn, Asia, Africa and Europe joined in as well. Some time later the continents of North and South America grabbed the hoe, and last area to participate was Samoa Islands. The world has taken a remarkable step towards a more ecological way of life.

We would like to thank Mr. Mika Vanhanen, the coordinator of ENO-Environment Online in Joensuu Finland, for his extra ordinary effort to make this event a successful one...

ENO Tree Planting Day Speech: September 2009

ENO Tree Planting Day Speech by Mohammad Darwiche....
for more information about this great event, visit ENO WEBSITE.

Muffin Cup Sunflowers

What makes a flower so pretty?????

We made crafty posters to learn about parts of plants. We opened and pressed flat paper muffin cups. Then we drew stems and leaves with crayons. Finally, we glued seeds to the center of the flowers.
by Grade One Students


ENO Tree Planting Day: May 2009

our ENO Tree Planting Day Certificate
President Amine Daouk signing the Earth Pledge

with Mr. Mohamad Machnouk

with Dr. Kamel Dallal

with Mrs. Ghina Al-Badawi

ENO Tree Planting Day: Going Greener

For the second time, we've participated in the ENO Tree Planting Day Event. The aim was to plant trees at midday, in every corner of the world. The first trees were planted at noon in Oceania. Following the Sun, new trees were put to earth in Asia, Europe and Africa. Finally this chain of trees reached Americas, so the globe has turned on its axis.

Tree planting is important for us at Makassed Khalil Shehab School. We have participated in the first event and were more than happy to take part in the second. Firstly, it reminds us of the nature and the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, it is a symbol for the international co-operation.
We decided to go to Sanayeh Park on May 22nd. Grades One, Two, and Three took part in this event. Different activities were done by Grades One and Two students at school. Grade One students showed how crafty they are by making a muffin cup sunflower. Their creative talents were unveiled when they created a crafty poster. They also learned about the parts of a plant.

Grade Two students did two activities. The first one was called "Eggheads". They saved egg shells, then cracked the shells open and used the bottom halves. Next, they drew faces on the shells with markers. After that, students planted seeds inside the egg shell. The last step was to watch the "hair" grow on the egg heads.
The second activity of Grade Two students had to do with crafts. Each student made his own dove using plastic plates and spoons.
Grade Two and three students were eager to participate in this event, so they brought their own plants, spades, and gloves. On May 22nd, accompanied by their English Language teachers, they went to Sanayeh Park. They eagerly ran to the empty places in the park to plant their plants. They helped each other digging and planting their seeds and plants in the soil. Then, they marched around the park. They stopped to speak to some people about their work and even took pictures with them. Next, they tried to fly the doves as far as they could into the air. It was a sign of their innocence and freedom. They are choosing a new way, a new beginning to make the world a better place for them. Their choice was to go greener, respect Mother Earth, and save life on our beautiful planet.
Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come!

For more information about this programme and to watch our photos on this site, visit:
